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Thoughts on emerging techology

Emerging technology isn't something I know a lot about, but I do have a few opinions. I might be old school and have a closed mind about this new technology that is coming out, but putting my negative feelings aside, let’s really look at it.

Does it benefit people? The straight forward answer, is yes. From industries, to people. To schools, and the elderly. Companies communicating across the world, families communicating across the world, medical programs. Emerging Technology benefits everyone.

Now, here comes in into play my negativity. What happens when we can’t get the resources anymore to make all the up and coming technology? What happens if one day, the internet goes down for more than a day? Or doctors can’t get the emerging technology they needs. Even technology in itself. Virtual reality goggles came out this past year. Awesome for people who are disabled and can’t get around. They can experience what they can’t in the snap of a finger.

2017 people are relying too much on technology. Sure, communicating technology, new business technology, health technology, are things that can only benefit people, but kids these days are growing up looking at their screens. There is scientific proof that computer screens and the colors on the screen harm your eyes and the energy from cell phones are being speculated to cause cancer, I can only imagine what putting a whole goggle head set could do to your brain, and we wonder why humans die quicker than they use too.

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